Engagement PhotographyEngagement Photography at Verona Park in NJ Jason Giordano PhotographyA wonderful time of year. Last week at Verona Park recently for an engagement photography session. We would typically spend between 1/2 hour and up to one hour on location and will go beyond if time allows and needed to get the shots we are looking for. Our goal is to have fun while we create the images you may be using for your wedding announcement and perhaps your wedding invitations.
Once we've booked we discuss what to wear as well as the best time of day and location that works with your schedule. I am flexible through out the week and occasionally may have a weekend day available though not often as my typical weekend is spent shooting weddings and events.
Currently booking weddings for 2016 and have packages that include engagement wedding photography services on New Jersey and New York. We will work with you to design the look you would like to see for your particular images and can go as far as to schedule time after the shoot to review samples of editing techniques that best suit your style if this is something you are looking for. Most clients that find me tend to gravitate to the vibrant warm colors with a soft natural feel in my images. Jason Giordano973-619-5678
Clifton NJ Photographer,
Jason, Giordano,
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